Mindset & Implementation
My podcast, Relaxing Harp Music, just crossed 7,000 downloads since I started it in May 2021, just about a year ago. But it wasn’t like that in the beginning.
For the first two months of the podcast, I had just 30 downloads. All because I didn’t have these two habits in my life yet.
First was mindset. I figured I’d record a few podcasts, and put them out there. But I didn’t really take it seriously. Which made me think: “This will never work. People aren’t going to listen.”
But when I started believing in myself and put myself in the mindset of a recording musician, I started getting a lot more downloads, and I got accepted to more podcasting platforms.
It was still going slowly, and that’s when I started the second habit: Implementation. Like I said, I was recording, but rather haphazardly. That’s when I sat down with myself and really thought through what I needed to implement.
Kinda like showing up for lessons with a teacher, and practicing what you learn. My best students show up to their lessons prepared and ready to ask questions. When I started doing that, my podcast download rate accelerated.
Both of these habits are not new or revolutionary at all. They are the exact same things I teach my harp students in my studio.
But not doing these habits – Mindset and Implementation – is like expecting my students to get better just by listening to music without actually practicing (though listening is important, too!)
If you wanna perform with confidence and freedom in front of an audience, you have to cultivate a musician’s mindset and implement what you learn.
Because the most confident harpists don’t make the least mistakes. They use their mindset to learn from them, and implement their learning into their playing for the next audience.